The masked surf-rock quartet known as Daikaiju literally lit-up Southbound Brewery on Friday night. It was a scene. Hailing from Huntsville, Alabama, the band regularly tours throughout the southeast, leaving scores of fans ablaze in their fiery wake. Courtesy of Aura Fest, Friday was no exception, and Southbound was an outstanding venue for such an incendiary affair.
For the uninitiated, a Daikaiju show is a concert, to be sure, but it’s also a complete interactive experience. The drum kit is placed at the forefront of the stage, and fans are invited to surround the band, creating a palpable energy as each musician rocks their way in and out of the crowd.
Donning kabuki masks and pseudonyms, the band projects a mysterious aura and does not speak throughout the entire set, instead using hand gestures to communicate with the crowd. In a way, it made the show that much more immersive. It provided a way to connect with the music, and the sheer insanity, of each song as the night progressed. Fans were welcomed to collaborate with the band; some playing riffs on the guitar, others ripping through drum solos. Culminating in… well, let’s just say, you shoulda been there!
But for those who couldn’t make it, here’s a gallery of shots we grabbed thanks to the ever talented Dylan Kennedy, and a few by Josh Garwood as well. For more shows like this, be sure to check the Concert Calendar to plan your next night out!